Good Job !
How would you feel when someone says “Good Job!” to you?? Someone acknowledges your work?? Someone appreciate you for some quality of yours? Or just say Thanks?? Often we excuse us by saying that it does not exist in CORPORATE WORLD but does it exist in personal life...?? answer is ............... ?? Often the complexities of our Life make you forget how valuable these small gestures are or we tend to ignore these in the name of –It’s his/her duty?? Why should I praise him/her, I never got it from my seniors/friends/family? And the lamest of all BHOOL JANA.. Excuses/reasons/call it by whatever name, fact remains the same that if we all have not become selfish then definitely adamant enough not to admit it.
How important a person feels when you acknowledge his/her work, when even for a small help you say thanks when least expected by others? Answer has to be incomparable. Yesterday, when I got my part of appreciation for something not even worth of mentioning I felt rejuvenated, my body felt free and I thank that kid who must be 5-6 years old, for being my inspiration behind this article and for giving me words to express my immense pleasure when you hugged me and said Thank you. I slept comfortably last night, I felt proud and the most I felt happy, satisfied and a better human being. Appreciate others not for them but for you. It’s often said that everything in this world is a series of events bound to happen in a cycle your one single deed can remove the obstruct coming on your way in this amazing cycle of Life.
Excuses are easy to make but difficult to accept. Let’s not be a part of the mass by getting in our lives so consumed and overly involved by not even seeing the beauty of the world around us lying in small things and let’s Do our bit; and who knows our part of appreciation must be on its way.