Good example of fruad...Be careful


29 March 2010  

Now a days most of  us may be receivng the winning of lottery that is too UK and USA based..This is a good form of fraud..the perpetrator may be send you a mail which is asking you about your personal deatils of you..Once you had given the details and reply you will be in the trap net of fraduster..Plese see the following example


This is to inform you that you have been selected for a cash prize of £1,500,000.00(British Pounds) held on 15th Mar 2010 in London (United Kingdom).The selection process was carried out through by random selection in Our computerized email selection system (ESS)London Uk. Fill the
below :

Fund Release Form :
1.Full Name:
2.Full Address:
3.Marital Status:
8.Country Of Residence:
9.Telephone Number: 



Lottery is  drawing a number from a lots and hence the Name lottery..How our mail ID can get the winning prize...Think twice before sending reply

        Case No 2

Recently there was a bulk mail thats goes to many tax payer ID and indicating that they are eligible for huge amount of tax refund and for refund amount of tax will be credited to your bank account..The mail was seems to be geniue .The mail was demanding your Account number and Bank details along with your credit card number also..

The mail was stating strictly that if you had furnishing false or wrong information, you will be liable for penality..Poor tax payers, they were believed the same and updated the sensitive information...


Finally there was a clarification made by Income tax department that, they had not made any such mail intimation and will not be responsible if the tax payers had lost  their monies...

 Best regards