Get a Powerful Sleep of 8 hrs in Just 45 Mins

Mukesh Choraria (Professional Motivator) (853 Points)

10 February 2011  

"Yog Nidra"  or Yogic Sleep


 It is to be understood that ordinary sleep is not relaxation, for tensions cannot always be resolved completely in ordinary sleep. Yoga Nidra is qualitatively different relaxation. It is a ‘sleep’ where all the burdens are thrown off to attain more blissful state of awareness, a relaxation much more intense than ordinary sleep.

 It is proved that the left half of the body is represented in right half of the brain and vice-a-versa. As far as the muscular actions are concerned, the representation is in an ‘upside down manner’ in motor area of pre-central gurus. Stimulation of brain centers of sensory cortex evokes sensations in the opposite half of the body.


Yoga Nidra Practice


In Yoga Nidra exactly opposite process is used to make the brain centers active by focusing awareness on the parts of the body in a definite sequence. Thus, the person tries to stimulate various parts of the brain by focusing the awareness on the corresponding parts of the body. By awareness is meant ‘attitude of witness’ towards physical or mental actions of the body.





The Technique

Yoga Nidra usually takes from twenty to forty five minutes to complete. The procedure is carried out by first doing a few asanas -practicing a few postures. Then the person lies on his or her back in totally relaxed posture (shivasana -posture simulating dead body). Eyes are lightly closed, arms are kept with palms facing upwards, breathing is natural and quiet.



· Everyone can practice. Even beginners who are stiff.

· Physical stresses and tensions are removed.

· Mental stresses and unwanted impressions are removed.

· Emotional balance is restored.

· The unconscious is focused on a personal goal so that it can be achieved more easily.

· Advanced practitioners can achieve a state of self-realization in Yoga Nidra.

Yoga Nidra helps in restoring mental, emotional, and physical health by way of relaxation, and makes the mind more conducive to pratyahara -withdrawing senses from their objects,dharana -concentration, and meditation. Such a practice helps harmonize two hemispheres of the brain and the two aspects of autonomous nervous system ( sympathetic and parasympathetic). The impressions in the subconscious are brought to surface, experienced and removed. Thus, the fixation of awareness on the body is replaced with the awareness linked to subtler aspects of prana (the life force) and spiritual dimensions allowing for maximizing of the pure yet unmanifested potential within.

As far as i have read i have found out that we try to sleep but we do not get the sleep before exams or before results. We try to sleep we be on bed for about 8 hrs but we have atually slept for 3-4 hrs and we feel very tired.................

There is a Music for Yog Nidra, just put it on and do as it is asked to ...............and around 40-45 mins of that trance you will feel like you just had a sleep of 8 hrs...................

I think its a must for ALL OF US!!!!!!!!!!!!

As usual waiting for your comments and results if someone have tried it!!!!!!!
