General Income Tax Queries

RAJ (CA) (120 Points)

05 May 2010  


Can someone ans these general queries:

1.) Can ITR for Professional/ Business for A.Y 2010-2011, be filled now in Old ITR IV (By making correction in the A.Y column by white ink)

2.) Loss Return for F.Y 2005-2006 filled before due date & is carried forward, but as there was no Income in F.Y ending on 31-3-2007, 31-03-2008, 31-3-2009 no return was filled. NOW there is Income in F.Y 2009-2010, can the said loss taken into account as it was carried forward in the last B/Sheets (Ofcourse the said loss is eligible to be carried forward for 8 years).

3.) F.Y 2009-2010 had already ended, My client has got T.D.S Certificates for the said year from all Banks, but some banks are saying that they will give T.D.S Certificate only after 30-06-2010. Is this Correct as per Law, what action can be taken, which provisions can be referred to?

4.) Gift from relatives are exempt, but do we need to declare it somewhere in the ITR's. Where can we declare the same?

5.) One property is purchased jointly by 3 assesses the value of which exceeds 30 lakhs, do we need to mention in each assesses Returns (In the A.I R column)

Thanks for you contributions in anticipation.