Funny Friendship Quotes


Friendship Quotes - Funny Friendship Quotes

Friendship is not a big thing - its a million little thingz.


Only your real friends will tell you when your face is dirty.


The friend is the man who knows all abt you, and still likes you.


The most I can do 4 my friend is simply be his friend.


It is easier 2 forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend.


A friend knows the song in my heart and sings it to me wen my memory fails.


Friends r those rare people who ask how u are and then wait for the answer.


The language of friendship iz not words but meanings.


Nothing bt heaven itself is better than a friend who is really a friend.


A real friend is someone who would feel loss if u jumped on a train, or in front of one.


A friend can tell u things u don't want to tell yourself.


Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods.


Friendship... is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything.


Do not protect yourself by a fence, but rather by your friends


Don't ever dare to take your college as a matter of course - because, like democracy and freedom, many people you'll never know have broken their hearts to get it for you


The best friend is the man who in wishing me well wishes it for my sake


Friendship is like a prism through which the many variations of beauty are revealed in our lives


Never explain--your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway


A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same."


Friendship often ends in love; but love in friendship - never


In prosperity our friends know us; in adversity we know our friends.
