Fr paper - match ur answers

Rahul (Chartered Accountnat CS)   (1585 Points)

07 November 2014  

Ans 1 (a) DTA 1,94,355 ( 122500-54300-623500

(b)  A not reportable B C reportable ( Segment assets do not include income tax assets para 5.8 as 17)

(c) (1) 16 lac, 32 lac (II) 62 lac

(d) I wrote cash and cash equivalend , but now i think it should be other current assets, dont know


ans 2 not attempted


ans 3 G/W 22,300 MI- 254100, B/S TOTAL - 41,87,300 ( applied short cut method for dividend)


Ans 4 (a) Rs 9.4 lac, 2.4 lac 5.4 lac  transfer to General reserve - Rs 10,000

(b)  alternate 1if u follow module which assume that at end of year 3 share willl be given (illustration 7 ch 6) then debt = 19,86,955   alternative 2 as per parveen sir if u assume that cash will be given, debt -123995



Ans 5 FMP - Rs 4,00,000 (approx) G/W Rs 6,90,400 Intrinsic value = Rs 298


Ans 6 (a) WACC - 13.525% NOPAT = 831 LAC 

(b) 1,09,13,947


Ans 7 (c) Not PPI (AS 5)

(D) 1,50,000 capitalized (9mths on shed construction, purchase of plant not a qualifing asset)

(e) captal reserve


please tell uranswers also


all the best for sfm

