Dear All,
Please provide the format for applying waiver of additional fees on Annual Return Filing (23AC, 23ACA, 66 & 20B) as informed by the MCA.
Milan Agrawal
Milan Agrawal (Chartered Accountant) (207 Points)
15 February 2013Dear All,
Please provide the format for applying waiver of additional fees on Annual Return Filing (23AC, 23ACA, 66 & 20B) as informed by the MCA.
Milan Agrawal
Shridhi Jain
(Company Secretary)
(1678 Points)
Replied 15 February 2013
You can go to 'register complaint' section on MCA site and put your query there.
Milan Agrawal
(Chartered Accountant)
(207 Points)
Replied 15 February 2013
Dear Shridhi,
I could not find the said section where it is. However, i have clicked on "Lodge complaint" option but it opens the Investor complaint form. Please guide me how to lodge complain.
Milan Agrawal
CA Harish Negi
(Never Say Die)
(860 Points)
Replied 15 February 2013
I dont thik so there is such format......... Now if you will file forms, the additional fee will be exempeted for the forms due in the notified period