Format Of Electricity Companies for Pe-2
Rahul Gupta (CA Final Student) (1780 Points)
17 March 2008Statement Of Reasonable Returns
"People In Love Doobe Doobe" (catchy slogan to remember)
Percentage On capital base
+Interset from general investments
+1/2% of Loan from state electricity Board
+1/2% of Debentures
+1/2% of Development rebate
Capital Base
5 assets and 7 liabilities
For 5 assets
"O O O I A".(when any guest comes to our home..we say in excitement.oooia(in hindi)
Original cost of fixed assets(excluding customers contribution)
Original cost of intangible assets(including preliminary expenses)
Original cost of WIP
Investment out of contingency reserve
Average of monthly current assets(excluding debtors)
For 7 liablities
"Do Love Do Care To Die Comfortably"..(catchy slogan to remember)
Depreciation written off
Loan from state electricity board
Consumers security deposit
Tariff and dividend control reserve
Development rebate reserve
Consumer rebate reserve
I hope my friends would find it easy to remember the format of disposal of surplus..
Rahul Gupta