Hi Pawan,
First of all Congrats for being appointed as Satutory Auditor.
I believe you are talking about Form-23B and not Form-23.
I understand your problem. As per section 224(1) form-23B is very much required. But as far as appointment of first Auditor u/s 224(5) is concerned there is difference of opinion.
As per some Experts first Auditors are not required to inform the Registrer whether they have accepted the appointed ot not and likewise company is also not required to intimate first Auditor about his appointment.
But on the contrary as per other eminnant Expert like Mr. Rammiya in the above case also the first Auditor is also required to intimate Registrer by filing form 23B.
To conclude i would suggest file Form-23B with Registrer of Companies because i think it is not a big deal.
Hope that the above discussion would be off some help to you.
Best Regards