Please tell some point regarding the form H
Is form H is issue for interstate purchase (central purachase) or intra purchase (same state purchase ) and both ?
ANKIT JAIN (Student MBA) (44 Points)
08 February 2017HELLO ,
Please tell some point regarding the form H
Is form H is issue for interstate purchase (central purachase) or intra purchase (same state purchase ) and both ?
(Student MBA)
(44 Points)
Replied 09 February 2017
Actually i want to know can i issue form h for local purchase or not
CS M Pota
(Company Secreatary)
(3186 Points)
Replied 09 February 2017
Dear Mr. Ankit,
Form H is issued when an exporter purchases goods for export from any other local supplier, (local means indian supplier of any where in India).The goods should be exported out of India.
(Student MBA)
(44 Points)
Replied 09 February 2017
CS M Pota
(Company Secreatary)
(3186 Points)
Replied 09 February 2017
Dear Ankit
Form H is under Central Sales Tax Act.It is a declaration of Export of the goods purchased by the exporter from other party say Manufacturerer of the good.Whenever any goods is purchased from within the state or intra state for export the exporter will issue Form H to the supliier stating that the goods purchaesd is exported.
(Student MBA)
(44 Points)
Replied 09 February 2017