I had multiple installment for my property in the month of November. 15th and 25th
Can I fill a single form 26 qb?
If yes, what should be the value of date of installment/transfer and date of deduction?
Monty Singh (Engineer) (13 Points)
26 December 2024I had multiple installment for my property in the month of November. 15th and 25th
Can I fill a single form 26 qb?
If yes, what should be the value of date of installment/transfer and date of deduction?
Dhirajlal Rambhia
(SEO Sai Gr. Hosp.)
(183759 Points)
Replied 27 December 2024
Date of deduction.
Monty Singh
(13 Points)
Replied 27 December 2024
Thanks Sir,
I'm not very sure what is the definition of date of deduction though. Can it be any of 15th Nov or 25th Nov? I did separate payouts on each date to the seller
I had a AV of 10L on both of those dates. Paid the seller AV Post TDS of 9.9L on 15th as well as 25th November.
Dhirajlal Rambhia
(SEO Sai Gr. Hosp.)
(183759 Points)
Replied 27 December 2024
Generally the date of deduction is arrived from the sale agreement.
Monty Singh
(13 Points)
Replied 28 December 2024
Hi sir,
I don't think I understood that part about sale agreement
Dhirajlal Rambhia
(SEO Sai Gr. Hosp.)
(183759 Points)
Replied 28 December 2024
Sale agreement has a clause of payment, the date of installment is based on some specific event as specified in the aggrement.
Monty Singh
(13 Points)
Replied 28 December 2024
Right, I have been paying installments based on the specified dates
For November there were two installment entries for November 15 and November 25, both were separate events of slab completion
I paid the installments separately for both.
But now since we are talking about a single form 26qb, it's unclear what would be the value for
Date of Credit/Payment
Date of Deduction
As both events were on different date. Should I chose the earlier date (15) or the later date (25)
Dhirajlal Rambhia
(SEO Sai Gr. Hosp.)
(183759 Points)
Replied 28 December 2024
As you paid both insalmment in same month, you can club them as on 15th as date of deduction.
Monty Singh
(13 Points)
Replied 28 December 2024
Thanks a lot sir. That would make the most sense
Dhirajlal Rambhia
(SEO Sai Gr. Hosp.)
(183759 Points)
Replied 28 December 2024
You are welcome.
Good Luck.