we have deducted TDS (Q1, F.Y.11-12) for this quarter three(03) partiesU/S 194I, 194J, 194H respictively and we also submitted return before 15/07/2011.
Now we want to generate Form 16A through Tin website . after login our TIN A/C and complet all procidure and generate form 16A a option is come
Generate Form 16A
1) Form 16A for All PAN
2) Form 16A for Individual PAN
If We Selected Option 2 then another option is come
PAN no. of the deductee..........................
We are totally confuse which option we have selected please solve the problem and also clarify that if we selected option 2 then why we give only one party PAN No. (this option PAN No. of the Deductee........) (we already said we have deducted Three Parties)