If one has spent some time abroad in the f.y. 22-23 , & total expenses is around 50000 , whether the said expenses is compulsory to show in ITR ?? Or no problem will arise if I avoid showing it ??
29 July 2023If one has spent some time abroad in the f.y. 22-23 , & total expenses is around 50000 , whether the said expenses is compulsory to show in ITR ?? Or no problem will arise if I avoid showing it ??
Dhirajlal Rambhia
(SEO Sai Gr. Hosp.)
(183872 Points)
Replied 29 July 2023
Not mandatory to declare in ITR. But in case of any query in future, the expenses should be accountable.
(2154 Points)
Replied 29 July 2023
Right & Thank You Sir............. ........