Does a brand registered in a foreign country (who is a member country of WIPO) conferred automatic protection in India, or will it be more apt to also have it registered seperately in India.
Dipanjan (N/A) (89 Points)
02 June 2010Does a brand registered in a foreign country (who is a member country of WIPO) conferred automatic protection in India, or will it be more apt to also have it registered seperately in India.
(50 Points)
Replied 15 March 2011
Dear Dipanjan,
First of all note that India is a member of WIPO but still not a Member of Madrid Protocol or the agreement. Hence any body including a Foreign applicant need to apply in India for trademrks protection and the registration in is country will not help him in securing his rights in India. However, in the near future, India is also going to be a member of Madrid... and therefore a foreign applicant will be able to secure his rights in India if he makes an Internation application of trademarks designating India also.
Summit Aggarwal
PF & ESI Course - Labour Code 2019 Along with Examples and Case Studies