For ppf investors

hmr (retired) (32 Points)

03 May 2018  

PPF Depositors:
Please Note - If Rs. 25000 deposited by 5.05.18 you will earn interest Rs. 1779 in FY 18-19 and if deposited on or after 06.05.18 in May'18 you will earn interest RS. 1614 (on present rate of interest)
Calculate how much interest you will earn on the amount you are planning to deposit in May'18 latest by 05.05.18 and on or after 06.05.18 at
To calculate available withdrawal  amount (before extension and after extension of period of PPF )  use calculator PPF witdrawal calculator at 

To calculate   maturity amount on the basis of future investment plannings  for 15 to 40 years use PPF Calculator to Calculate Maturity Amount at