(iii) That the marks of 60 percent or more secured in one or more papers mentioned in para (i) above are carried forward automatically for the immediately next three following examinations. (iv) That the candidate will be declared to have passed in the said group in any one of the next three following examinations if he secures in a single attempt a minimum of 40 percent marks in each of the papers and an aggregate of 50 percent marks. For the purpose of arriving at the aggregate as already stated in para (iii) above, 60 percent marks or more secured earlier will also be taken into consideration. (v) That the exemption will be granted only when a candidate is present in all the papers comprised in a group. The candidate is not eligible for any further exemption under this proviso in the next three following examinations (i.e. till the validity of the exemption already granted). My query : Whether similar provision exists for a passed group also? does a passed group lapse???