Flowers from valley of flowers

devkant (cs) (49 Points)

07 November 2012  

Pictures of flowers taken by me on my various trips to Valley of flowers in 2012

Potentilla Atrisanguinea in valley of flowers
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Aotentilla-Argyrophylla in valley of flowers
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Potentilla Cuneifolia in valley of flowers
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Aconitum Balfourii in valley of flowers
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Aconitum violaceum in valley of flowers
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Blue Poppy in valley of flowers
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Cyananthus-Microphyllus in valley of flowers
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Cyananthus Lobatus in valley of flowers
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Saussurea Obvallata in valley of flowers
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Saussurea Simpsoniana in valley of flowers
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Saussurea Gossypiphora in valley of flowers
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Corydalis in valley of flowers
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Codonopsis Rotundifolia in valley of flowers
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Geranium Collinum in valley of flowers
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Geranium Wallichianum in valley of flowers
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Geranium robertianum in valley of flowers
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Saxifraga Brunonis in valley of flowers
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Saxifraga Parnassifolia in valley of flowers
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Primula Denticulata in valley of flowers
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Taraxacum Officinale in valley of flowers
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Thymus Linearis in valley of flowers
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Viola Pilosa in valley of flowers
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Ainsliaea Aptera in valley of flowers
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Caltha Palustris in valley of flowers
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Campanula Latifolia in valley of flowers
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Cicerbita Macrorhiza in valley of flowers
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Gagealutea in valley of flowers
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Gaultheria Trichophylla in valley of flowers
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Gentiana Pedicellata in valley of flowers
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Gentiana Phyllocalyx in valley of flowers
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Indigofera Heterantha in valley of flowers
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Iris Kemaonensis in valley of flowers
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Phlomis Bracteosa in valley of flowers
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Polemonium Caeruleum in valley of flowers
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Allium Humile in valley of flowers
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Anaphalis Triplinervis in valley of flowers
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Anemone Tetrasepala in valley of flowers
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Bistorta Affinis in valley of flowers
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Cypripedium Himalayan in valley of flowers
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Dactylorhiza Hathageri in valley of flowers
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Epilobium Latifolium in valley of flowers
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Impatiens Scabrida in valley of flowers
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Lilium Oxpetalum in valley of flowers
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Pedicularis Porrecta in valley of flowers
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Pedicularis Punctata in valley of flowers
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Rhodiola Heterodonta in valley of flowers
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Rosa Macrophylla in valley of flowers
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Silene Vulgaris in valley of flowers
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Verbascum Thapsus in valley of flowers
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Viola Biflora in valley of flowers
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Alteris Pauciflora in valley of flowers
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Anemone Obtusifolia in valley of flowers
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Arisaema Propinquum in valley of flowers
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Arisaema Tortuosum in valley of flowers
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Aster Albescens in valley of flowers
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Berberis Jaeschkeana in valley of flowers
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Feritillaria Roylei in valley of flowers
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Hyoscyamus Niger in valley of flowers
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Ligularia Amplexicaulis in valley of flowers
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Morina Longifolia in valley of flowers
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Polygonatum Verticillatum in valley of flowers
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Rhododendron Lepidotum in valley of flowers
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Roscoea Purpurea in valley of flowers
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Spiraea Canescens in valley of flowers
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Thalictrum Cultratum in valley of flowers
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Typhonium Diversifolium in valley of flowers
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Angelica Archangelica in valley of flowers
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Aruncus Dioicus in valley of flowers
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Aster Diplostephioides in valley of flowers
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Astragalus Himalayanus in valley of flowers
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Campanula Pallida in valley of flowers
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Colquhounia Coccinea in valley of flowers
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Commelina Benghalensis in valley of flowers
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Corydalis Cornuta in valley of flowers
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Cremanthodium Arnicoides in valley of flowers
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Epilobium Laxum in valley of flowers
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Erigeron Bellidioides in valley of flowers
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Erysimum Hieracifolium in valley of flowers
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Fragaria Nubicola in valley of flowers
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Impatiens Devendrae in valley of flowers
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Impatiens Sulcata in valley of flowers
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Jancus Thomsonii in valley of flowers
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Lactuca Dolichophylla in valley of flowers
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Leontopodium Brachyactis in valley of flowers
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Oxyria Digyna in valley of flowers
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Parnassia Nubicola in valley of flowers
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Pedicularis Bicornuta in valley of flowers
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Polygonum Amplexicaule in valley of flowers
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Polygonum Capitatum in valley of flowers
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Prenanthes Brunoniana in valley of flowers
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Primula Reidii in valley of flowers
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Rhodiola Imbricata in valley of flowers
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Rhodiola Wallichiana in valley of flowers
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Salvia Nubicola in valley of flowers
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Senecio Graciliflorus in valley of flowers
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Senecio Laetus in valley of flowers
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Solidago Virgaurea in valley of flowers
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Trichosanthes Tricuspindata in valley of flowers
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Allium Wallichi in valley of flowers
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Bistorta Vaccinifolia in valley of flowers
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Halenia Elliptica in valley of flowers
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Polygonum Polystachyum in valley of flowers
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Inula Grandiflora in valley of flowers
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Leycesteria Formosa in valley of flowers
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Pleurospermum Candollii in valley of flowers
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Saussurea Piptathera in valley of flowers
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Spiranthes Sinensis in valley of flowers
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Vigna Vexilata in valley of flowers
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