Hi Khushboo,
As you are aware that there may be 3 kinds of First Directors:
1. First Directors named in AOA or
2. First Directors appointed by subscribers read with Regulation 64 of Table A or
3. Deemed Directors u/s 254.
In first 2 kinds of First Directors ====they shall vacate their office at the first AGM u/s 256(1).
And First Director mentioned in point 3 ==i.e Deemed Directors u/s 254 shall vacate his office at the GM u/s 255 which held before the first AGM. This GM may be EGM or SGM. There is also a DCA Clarification to that effect.
In view of the discussion above you don't have to worry at all. Your directors can easily be re-appointed in ensuing AGM. This course of action is 100% valid & Legal.
Best Regards