What is the procedure of Book Closure and Record date?
In case of closely held public companies it is expedient to go for Record Date. For record date just pass the Board Resolution and decide the date. 3
However, if you go for Book Closure you have to comply sectino 154 which will have cost implications as a public notice is required to be published in newspaper.
Draft Board Resolution for Record Date:-
RESOLVED THAT 24th May, 2011 be and is hereby fixed as the Record Date in view of ensuing Annual General Meeting and deciding the entitlement of Dividend, if any.”
Draft Resolution for Book Closure:-
"RESOLVED THAT the Register of Members and Share Transfer Books be closed from 01/09/2011 to 07/09/2011 (both days inclusive)."
"RESOLVED FURTHER THAT Shri ........................., Company Secretary be and is hereby authorised to to send the notices of such Book Closure to NSDL, CDSL & to the Stock Exchange where the securities of the Company are listed and to arrange the publication of the notice thereof in the newspapers."