Circuler no. 33/2011 dated 01.06.2011
acc. to company law if any company does not file its annual documents till the due date then it called defualted company and can not file other documents like form 18, 8 etc. till the default will be removed.
this circular will be effected from 03.07.2011
If Director of Defaulted Company also a director in other company then the other company can not file any documents with the dsc of above director.
Ca ,CS, ICWA, also can not issue any certificates to these defaulted Companies till the default will be removed.
If annual filing cannot file due to court's order or CLB Order and Marking of Managemen Dispute had done by ROC on any company then this circuler will not apply.
Some Documents Can be Filed which are following-:
Form No. 32
Form No. 20B
Form No. 21A
Form No. DIN3
Form No. 23AC, 23ACA
Form No. 23 B
Form No. 66
Form No. 11Nc