The required Disclosures
The IAS requires the financial statements to disclose the following:
1. The accounting policies adopted and cost formula used
2. The carrying amount of inventories: the total amount and the amount in classifications appropriate to the entity
3. The carrying amount of inventories carried at fair value less costs to sell
4. The amount of inventories recognised as an expense during the period
5. Any write-down of inventories recognised as an expense in the period
6. Any reversal of any write-down recognised as a reduction in the amount of inventories recognised as an expense in the period
7. The circumstances or events that led to the reversal of a write-down of
Change in accounting policies
If the accounting policies have changed, the following disclosures need to be made in the notes that are attached to the financial statements.
For changes in accounting policy due to requirements of standards:
i. The name of the standard
ii. The date of application of the standard or interpretation and its descripttion
iii. The nature of the change in accounting policy
iv. The transitional provisions that might have an effect on future periods
v. The changes in earnings per share during the current period and prior periods
vi. The amount of the adjustment relating to periods before those presented
vii. If retrospective application is impracticable, the reasons for this
viii. Descripttion of how and from when the change in accounting policy was applied
The financial statements of subsequent periods need not disclose these facts again.