Wheather Internet expences is the part of FBT or not?
27 May 2008Wheather Internet expences is the part of FBT or not?
M.Sriram Shenoy
(CA Final)
(814 Points)
Replied 27 May 2008
Internet charges doesnot fall under the ambit of FBT. If your company follows the policy of booking internet charges under telephone expenditure, then you have to split it into internet and telephone charges separately for the purposes of FBT.
Azmathullah Khan
(Accounts Manager)
(1386 Points)
Replied 27 May 2008
No, FBT will be charge for Internet line., make seperate entry or account head for internet phone no.
CA Manoj kumar
(31 Points)
Replied 07 June 2008
If employer has broadband connection for used both as telephone and for the purpose of internet, the expenses incurred shall be treated as deemed freinge benefit.