FATCA Registration for non reporting FI's (Co-operative Bank)


11 May 2021  

I want to know about the Co-operative bank (Non reporting FI) is classified under which type of Financial Institution's for FATCA  Registration.

1) Direct Reporting NFFE

2) Participating FFI, including a Reporting Financial Institution under a Model 2 IGA

3) Registered Deemed- Compliant FFI that is Local FFI

4)  Registered Deemed- Compliant FFI that is a Non-Reporting member of PFFI Group

5) Registered Deemed- Compliant FFI that is a Qualified Collective Investment Vehicle

6) Registered Deemed- Compliant FFI that is a Qualified credit issuer or servicer

7) Registered Deemed- Compliant FFI that is a Restricted Fund

8) Reporting Financial Institution under a Model 1 IGA

9) U.S. Financial Institution