Failure provides for inspiration........

Rahul Gupta (Project Controller ACA MBA(Fin.))   (8019 Points)

02 July 2010  

Remember you are born to live, Don't live because you are born.

Don't go the way life takes you, Take life the way you go.......



The difficult phase of life is not when no one understands you,

It is when you don't understand yourself.



For everything you have missed, you have gained something else,

And for everything your gain, you lose something else.

Its your outlook towards life, You can either regret or rejoice.



Arrow goes forward only after pulling in to backward, Bullet goes forward only after pressing the trigger backward.

Everyone will get happy, only after facing difficulties in life path.

So do not afraid to face difficulties, they push you forward.



Whatever you give to life, it gives you back. Do not hate anybody,

Hatred which comes from you will someday come back to you.

Love others and love will comeback to you.



When life offers you a dream beyond any of your expectations,

its not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end.