Failure : A great Teacher...........

Ratan Deep Saxena (Asstt Manager (Accounts & Finance))   (2998 Points)

16 October 2009  

Failure : A great Teacher

Many people want to change their fortunes yet don't know how to begin. Others have a desperate desire to make life altering changes but have a tremendous fear of failure. In our childhood we attempted many things but probably didn't succeed the first time we tried. Take riding a bicycle for example. None of us are born with the immediate skill to be able to ride yet we all seem to have accomplished this task. For some of us, we need to return to times of yesteryear to get a grasp of why we are now so averse to attempt new things, learn new things, or to begin a new journey through life.
Part of our hesitation to attempt or change is that we are afraid that we might fail. When we were infants, learning to walk, no one told us to fear multiple attempts to walk. What we did instead was to pick ourselves up and gallantly try again. How many times did we fall down? No doubt, many, many times.
Success isn't something that most experience right from their first attempt. Most of us are probably familiar with how failure haunted Abraham Lincoln, or Thomas Edison. Did these people give up? No.
Failure is the best teacher we have when you take advantage of all the lessons to be learned. What failure teaches us, all other teachers collectively can't teach us. It's a universal fact that to accept failure is the most Herculean task even for the strongest souls. It's human nature to think that when we fail, its not because of us, but because of someone else's fault. This is regressive thinking. Its just a cover up most of the people use to run away from their mistakes and resultant failure.
The alternative school of thought says ? failures are just the part of our lives to be taken into stride and not to be forgotten?. When we fail, its not because we are lacking in something. It could just be because we are not approaching our things in a right manner. Failure teaches us, how to recognize our follies. It tells us how to act upon our weaknesses to turn them into our strengths. It is rightly said if one has achieved success in the first attempt, he has a lot left to learn because that success wont teach the person how to react in case if something goes wrong. As a teacher failure teaches us how and why we went wrong and how can we convert our wrongs into rights.
Failures are the stepping stones of success. Only if one has seen failures, one will come to know how sweet success is. Fear of failure is the biggest obstacle one can face in the path of success. Once we start treating failure as that teacher who is always there to guide us through the rough paths, we will lose all that fear for it.
Success can only shower upon those who have it in them to face failures gallantly and learn from them what they want to teach. Once we connect with our teacher called failure, being successful is just a matter of time.
"I didn't fail the test 100 times, I just found 100 ways to do it wrong"

1. After failing twice to scale, Hillary Challanged Mount Everest, "I'll come agn & conquer U, coz as a Mountain u cant grow but as a Human i Can"

2. "The Day, when U don't face any problem, think that you are walking on a wrong path. Problems are part of our life.. Face it & Break it."

3. (Just a serious Humour)
Never Make the Same Mistake Twice...
There are so many New ones..
Try a different one each day..!

4. Mistakes are painful when they happen...
But..Years later, a collection of Mistakes is called Experiance ..!

5. Champions are not supernatural. They just fight 1 more second when anyone else quits.Often one more second of effort gives you the Victory

