Extension of last date for payment of Annual membership fee


Extension of last date for payment of Annual membership fee/Certificate of practice fee for 2009-10 upto 31st August, 2009

The Annual Membership fee and Certificate of Practice fee for the year 2009-10 became due for payment w.e.f. 1st April, 2009.  The last date for payment of fee was 30th June, 2009 which has now been extended upto 31st August, 2009.  The membership and certificate of practice fee is as follows:-



Amount (Rs.)

Annual Fee for Associate


Annual Fee for Fellow


Annual fee for Certificate of Practice

1,000/- *

(*)  The Certificate of Practice fee must be accompanied by an application for renewal of Certificate of Practice in the revised form-D(available on the web-site) duly completed in all respects indicating the number of credit hours secured and signed for renewal of Certificate of practice for the year 2009-10


“Method of remittance”

The fee can be remitted by:-

                  (i)                  Credit Card at the Institute’s Headquarter at Lodi Road, New Delhi or Regional Offices located at Kolkata, New Delhi, Chennai and Mumbai,

(ii)                Cash/local cheque drawn in favour of ‘The Institute of Company Secretaries of India’, payable at New Delhi (Indicating on the reverse the Name & Membership No.) at the counter of the Institute’s Head Quarter or Regional/Chapter offices located at Mumbai, Kolkata, New Delhi, Chennai and Ahmedabad, Banglaore, Chandigarh, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Pune respectively.  Out station cheques will not be accepted.

(iii)                Demand draft/pay order drawn in favour of ‘The Institute of Company Secretaries of India’ payable at New Delhi.  (Indicating on the reverse the Name & Membership no.).

(iv)               Online payment gateway.  Some details on the usage are listed below:-  

a)      Go to the Institute’s web-site www.icsi.edu and select the link in Latest Announcements on home page which is given as ‘Payment Gateway to Members and New Students.’ 

b)      Click on the member option and select the type of membership i.e., either A or F, then enter the membership number in the text provided and click ‘Go’.  Please make sure that the membership type and membership number is correct otherwise, no further processing can be done in the page.  For any discrepancy on your membership details, please mail us at member @ icsi.edu

c)      If your membership details are correct, then your address and contact details will be displayed on the page after the click of ‘Go’ button.  Then click on ‘Fee Payments’ option.  A list of options will be displayed with details of Fees descripttion and the amount being charged for it.   Select the options you want to pay for. 

d)      Then click on calculate and wait for the page to display the calculated amount at the text provided at the bottom of the page.  Then click on ‘Submit’ button.  Then you will be prompted for final confirmation before payment, because if any changes required in your amount then you can simply click on ‘Back’ button of browser. 

If you are ready to pay the amount, then click on ‘Confirm to Pay’ button.  Then you will be directly taken to CitiBank Online Payment site for your easy online credit card payment.  Then an online acknowledgement will get generated after your payment get accepted by Citibank successfully, which is the only proof of your payment for the membership with the Institute. 

Acceptance of Annual Membership fee in advance 

The members if they so desire, can pay advance membership fee for three years.  The scheme for accepting the Annual Membership fee in advance from members within and outside India for a period of period of three years is as under:-  

           i.   Advance fee would be accepted for a period of three years only.  Members desirous of availing this facility are, therefore, advised to calculate the advance fees, based on the fee/ rates for the time being in force. 


          ii.   The advance amount received by the Institute would not be adjustable for any other fees due, such as amount payable at the time of enrolment as fellow, grant of Certificate of Practice afresh/ renewal after a gap etc.  The members would be required to pay such fee separately while submitting the prescribed application form(s) etc. for the purpose.

        iii.     Payment of advance fees is only a facility to members and that it would in no manner mean that because of the advance payment of fees their membership is secured upto the relevant year(s).  In spite of the advance payment of fees, continuance or otherwise of their membership would be subject to the provisions of the Company Secretaries Act, 1980 and the Rules and Regulations framed thereunder.

        iv.    In case the advance lying to credit of the member’s account falls short of subsequent year’s fee requirement, it would be the responsibility of the member to send the requisite amount as advance or balance of membership fee for the subsequent year.

         v.  Refund of advance fee received would not be allowed under any circumstances except in case of removal of the name of a member from the Register of Members under the provisions of the Company Secretaries Act, 1980, the Company Secretaries Regulations, 1982 and the Rules.

        vi.    In the case of death, the fee for the year in which deletion of the name takes place would be deducted and the balance of the advance fee paid, if any, would be refunded to nominee(s)/ legal heir(s) of the member concerned.  In all other cases, the balance of advance fee, after such a deduction as aforesaid, if any, would be kept to the credit of the member concerned for adjustment towards annual membership fee payable at the time of restoration.

      vii.       Interest on the advance fee would not be payable at all.

     viii.      In case of members residing abroad payment of advance fee should be made in Indian currency i.e. the draft/ cheque drawn on the designated Indian branch for credit to the account of the Institute. However, where the fee has been sent in foreign currency, conversion of foreign currency would be at the rate applicable on the date when the Institute bankers give credit. 


Declaration for 50% concession in fee

Declaration for availing 50% concession in the payment of annual membership fee

  I hereby certify that

(a)               I am of the age of ________ years.


I also hereby declare that the information given herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.


Name ______________________________Signature __________________________  


Membership Number ACS/FCS ________________ Dated _________________

Mailing Address __________________________________






PIN  _____________________________________________


(b)               I am not in any gainful employment including self-employment or in practice anywhere with effect from ________________ .