Dear All,
Myself is CA Final student, pursuing an Industrial Training. I am under Old course of CA. So for me 3 years of articleship rule is applied. And accordingly I started my articleship on 16.04.2007 & which suppose to complete as on 15.04.2010. But due to 42 days excess leave which was taken by me it will complete as on 27.05.2010.
So please help me in submission of forms for completion of Industrial Traing & for Extension of training due to excess leave taken.
As I know for completion of IT, Form no 105 is required but which Form is required in case of Extension Industrial Training?
When form no 105 & form for extension of training is required to submit with ICAI i.e. within how many days & from which date i.e. the date of actual completion of 3 years traing i.e.15.04.2010 or date till which period of training extended i.e.27.05.2010.
Please help me in this.
Thanks in advance.