Extension of financial year
Vani.A (CS) (168 Points)
12 February 2016
(300 Points)
Replied 13 February 2016
“financial year”, in relation to any company or body corporate, means the period ending on the 31st day of March every year, and where it has been incorporated on or after the 1st day of January of a year, the period ending on the 31st day of March of the following year, in respect whereof financial statement of the company or body corporate is made up:
Provided that on an application made by a company or body corporate, which is a holding company or a subsidiary of a company incorporated outside India and is required to follow a different financial year for consolidation of its accounts outside India, the Tribunal may, if it is satisfied, allow any period as its financial year, whether or not that period is a year:
Provided further that a company or body corporate, existing on the commencement of this Act, shall, within a period of two years fromsuch commencement, align its financial year as per the provisions of this clause;“
Tribunal” means the National Company Law Tribunal constituted under
section 408 of the Companies act 2013
CS Divesh Goyal
(Practicing Compnay Secretary)
(50845 Points)
Replied 13 February 2016
financial year can be extended upto 15 month only in the first year of incorporation.
(300 Points)
Replied 15 February 2016
only for companies incorporated after Jan 1st