extension of articleship help me please

khushi (doing articleship) (27 Points)

29 November 2010  

Hey friends kindly help me.

As my on papers article ship is getting over on paper on 10Dec 2010 and leave taken till now is 263

Days served 1025

And eligible  for leave is 365*3.5yrs = 1288-263/6 = 171

Excess leave 263-171=92 for that I have to do fill 107 and 108


But I have to complete this 92 days only na.

As I have applied for leave  from 11 dec 2010 for my CA Final May 2011 and I told to my sir that after examination I will serve these 92 days

BUT SIR TOLD me that u have to serve 257 days after examination  i.e. as follows

From  11 Dec 2010 to 30 April 2011  which comes to 141 days will also be considered as a leave and know my leave will earlier 263+141 = 404 and  

Know days served will be the earlier one only that is 1025 as I and leave will be 404

So eligible for leave 1025-404/6= 148

And leave taken 404

So difference will be has to be served I e 257 days

Kindly let me know whether my sir is right or not Whether I have to serve like as my sir will recalculate the extension period or not