Exshail (Software) (1581 Points)
13 April 2012
Pulkit Sharma
(CA Practice)
(458 Points)
Replied 05 June 2012
everyone its realy proud movement for me to announce the release of Excel based accounting software package, made by me and my other ca final freinds.
you can download it from here https://sataxsolutions.com/projects.html
We have created 2 packages, one accounting without inventory and one accounting with inventory., It can autocalculate service tax payable , Vat payable TDS receivable, TDS payable.
And its FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(1581 Points)
Replied 14 June 2012
(1581 Points)
Replied 18 September 2017
Contact for Ready-made Excel format to be used with your company details for printing of GST Tax Invoice.
For a free version you can send email to exshail at gmail.com
Professional version includes Party Master & Item Master
Features :
1.User friendy GST Invoice in Excel format with Multi-Tax Auto GST Tax Calculations.
2.Formating like font size, colour, etc. can be changed by pressing ctrl-1.
3. Automatic Invoice Amount in words.
4. State name can be selected from dropdown box. No need to write state code as it will appear as per state selected.
5. Ratewise GST Summery provided with Taxable Value.
(1581 Points)
Replied 27 May 2018
Download attached free Version of GST Invoice with multicolumn GST Rates.
Contact for Professional userfriendly Excel format to be used with your company details for printing of GST Tax Invoice.
Professional version includes Party Master & Item Master
Its Features :
1.User friendy GST Invoice in Excel format with Multi-Tax Auto GST Tax Calculations.
2.Formating like font size, colour, etc. can be changed by pressing ctrl-1.
3. Automatic Invoice Amount in words.
4. State name can be selected from dropdown box. No need to write state code as it will appear as per state selected.
5. Ratewise GST Summery provided with Taxable Value.
Exshail Software
(1581 Points)
Replied 26 September 2022
Download Free excel based GST Tax Invoice software for CA Professionals with party & charges master by exshail software.
1. Print on Letterhead.
2. Export to PDF for Excel -2010+
3. Total Invoice Value Auto Round Off option.
4. Automatic Rupees amount in words.
5. Retrieve old invoice
6. Auto Invoice Number increment
7. Charges head showing previous total amount charged in right side of column.