Export of Machinery without e invoice
kamatchi sundaram (accounts) (106 Points)
24 March 2025we have exported some used old machines to srilanka under LUT without payment of tax.
we have made commercial invoice for export, packing list, certification from charted engineer, unfortunately we have not generated the e invoice, we plan to generate the e invoice upon completing export formalities by CHA and getting the shipping bill.
but roving squad has interrupted the vehicle on the way to port, and levied penalty for not generated e invoice on real time under section 122 as conveyance of goods without covering proper documents.
we have explained as much as possible but officer not in a position to come down frim his stand.
finally we have paid the penalty under 122 and released the vehicle.
kindly requesting you guide me, if we file appeal is there any possibility to get order in our favour of us by paying minimum penalty under 125, because there is no tax evasion in this transaction and we have exported under LUT without payment of duty.
kindly advise.