Export from 2 factories
Sunil Kr (MBA) (24 Points)
24 September 2012Sunil Kr (MBA) (24 Points)
24 September 2012
U S Sharma
(21063 Points)
Replied 24 September 2012
read the post in sequence
1) look into your export order, and examine that whethar its for full plant or partwise supply and valued?
2) if full plant then you have to buy the goods from mumbai on payment of duty, take cenvat credit and retain the same in your input credit but clear the goods in whole under claim of rebate or without payment of duty under CT-1/LUT. here the CST is dead tax, while the excise is realizable.
2a) if the order is for parts, and valuation is not mixed up then you can export the mumbai goods as merchant exporter, while your goods as manufacturer exporter. here you dont have to pay excise or CST( CT-1, and form H required for exemption), but you have to take gods from factory direct.
3) there is no way to bring the goods to your up factory from mumbai without duty and CST. the only possible procedure as mentioned 2) above is possible for your best convenience.