mannu 1/2 CA [edit] [edit photo] [ Scorecard : 404] Posted 2 days ago hi friends... i need ur help.....pls tell me about industrial friend is currently doing articleship in a small ca Firm whrere he is fed up of working in tally...AFTER SEEING RECENT OPENINGS AT GE FOR INDUSTRIAL TRAINING .now he wants to join industrial traning.....his 1&half year articleship is left......!!!!! if he will tell his CA about industrial training it is obvious that his CA will not allow him join INDUS.TRAIng...... hey guys tell me is it one of the right of CA stUdeNt.....IF his CA doesn`t allOw him can he join I.T in his OWn.....~~~ also tell me meits & Demerits of joining `IT`...TIMING ETC
pavel CA final [ Scorecard : 87] Posted a day ago even the same applies here....... ur frndzz cn only request their CAs to give the extension.......and all is their luck and destiny... small ca firms dosen care abt their article future prospects... they jus know abt their client their work and the denominaiton of money....... any how say ur frndz to jus request their boss only this they can do it....... after all "hume bhi apne kam se matlab hain"....i its abt our future.........