Experience is a big acheivement than success

sushil kumar (Student) (111 Points)

24 February 2011  

Hi everyone,
                      Before coming on point, I would like to say that nothing spent in vain even if u waste ur time and u realize that you have wasted ur lots of time and experience u have got from ur wasteness turns into achievements because u realize imporatnce of ur time and by correcting these u can achieve everything which you want to get.

This is the things which i have gained. Its not means that i was not doing anything but not getting positive response of my efforts so said wastage of time. But as much as i failed in my efforts, my targets become more and more high. When i joined CA after passing my graduation, my will was to become a CA but as soon as i have not cleared in two attempts, my confidence go down and down but i never compromize with my study but my confidence was broken. after giving third attepmt, i was not satisfied with my performance so decide to quit thinking about faliure again and did not checked my results. After 1 year one of  my freinds tell me that i was passed.
After quitting CA i just started to focus on my hobby music as a profession, so i moved to mumbai from my town, but here life become more worse than before because Bollywood does not give chance to new comers in the field of Music.
Then i worked with few small studio as a Guitarist but was not satsisfied with that also. Each morning when i woke up, decided to work hard but as soon as i did not get response from my attempt, i go down and down so here again i become a failure.
Then agained i joined my last profession with the will not to quit the things till i acheive.  I am back to this profession beacuse my dream start with this profession and without this my life have now no value.
There are many things happened in the life which give us a lesson, a lesson of how to fight with evils, a lesson of why am i faiure, a lesson of other many things which may not be gained easily after passing many numbers of years and if you dont repeat these things again then success will become ur shadow and it will follow u whereever u put ur legs.
Thx & Best rgs