Excise on site-consumables

V.Jagannathan (manager) (75 Points)

23 December 2011  


we r doing erection of steel structurals and vessels in different sites in india and our HQ is Chennai.We r collecting service tax from the customers and paying to govt of india.We buy consumable items such as welding rods, gases etc for the erection work , from chennai where we get credit facility.we pay excise duty for the above items.We also do fabrication and supply of steel structures at our HQ at Madras.Hither to we adjusted the excise credit derived from the purchase of consumable items meant for site in the excise payble.The excise people says we r not supposed to take such excise credit since the purchase is meant for erection work at various sites.Kindly clarify.if so can we use the excise credit against service tax payable. kindly clarify with relevant rules , which would be enable us to take credit as well as the concerned authorities at the time of audi.


Thanking You
