Excise duty chageable by second stage dealer.

ashok kumar baranwal (assistant executive engineer)   (28 Points)

26 February 2011  

A manufacturing company (A) located in Kolkata  was contacted for  supply of material . The company redirected our request to their dealer at Dhanbad (B) in Jharkhand. & the order for supply of material was placed with the said dealer.

Now the dealer (B) is asking 10.3% Excise duty on orderd value besides Jharkhand state VAT. The invoiced is raised by the dealer not by the manufacturer.

Kindly help me in finalising their bill. whether the excise duty being asked by the dealer is correct. The consignee for the manufacturer (A) is   the dealer & not us  where as we are the consigneee for  the  dealer.

Whether the claim of excise duty by the dealer is justified? Please help in redressal of dispute.