Can a manufacturing company that has paid excise duty on the purchase of raw material take credit of such excise duty from service tax paid under the head-ST on rent from immovable property?
Dimple Gulati (none) (31 Points)
13 July 2012Hi
Can a manufacturing company that has paid excise duty on the purchase of raw material take credit of such excise duty from service tax paid under the head-ST on rent from immovable property?
Parihar Gopal
(Corporate Taxation )
(392 Points)
Replied 13 July 2012
Input credit of service tax can be taken only if the output is a‘service’ liable to service tax or ‘goods’liable to excise duty.Since immovable property is neither service’ nor ‘goods’ liable to excise duty, input credit cannot be taken.
CBEC Circular No. 96/7/2007 dated 23.8.07 [as amended vide
Circular dated 4.1.2008
Ajit kumar Dubey
(Taxation Manager)
(637 Points)
Replied 13 July 2012