Excise & cst

Sharique Maqbool (Others) (56 Points)

17 September 2012  



We are diversified trading company based in Bangalore, Karnataka. We have certain queries please find them below:

1) We will be purchasing scrap from Gujarat and supplying this to a Trader/Industry in Uttar Pradesh. The material attracts an Excise duty of 12.3% and CST of 2%. Our concern is will it be mandatory for us to register for Central Excise Registration, As our bill will contain Excise duty amount 12.3% separetely.

2) We will be purchasing the material and transporting it to the company's warehouse. Should i charge CST on final charges including transportation cost or just the cost of material. We will not be mentioning transporation cost in the bill as our agreement has been on the delivery basis.

If anyone can reply and guide us on this quickly, It will really be grateful. Thank you.