Is there compulsory to write excise reg. no. on invoice of manufacture
(38 Points)
Replied 01 April 2010
Rule 11 subrule 2 requires that the invoice shall be serially numbered and [shall contain the registration number, address of the concerned Central Excise Division,] name of the consignee, descripttion, classification, time and date of removal, mode of transport and vehicle registration number, rate of duty, quantity and value, of goods and the duty payable thereon.]
(43 Points)
Replied 01 April 2010
yes it is compulsory if u doesnt show reg. no. on ur invoice that means ur invoice is nopt used for the purpose of taking cenvet credit.
Ravi Mathur
(130 Points)
Replied 02 April 2010
for a simple question like this v got a bunch of ans... jst only to gain points.....there r so manay puzzales r there y not to replay on them