can any one please told me that is it necessary for a person who manufacture Table Cover which was exepted by N/N 3/2003 but cover under ceta 12-13 @ 12% FOR REGISTRATION UNDER EXCISE act? His turnover has crossed 150 lakh.
CA Ashish Garg (EMPLOYER) (24 Points)
24 September 2012Hello,
can any one please told me that is it necessary for a person who manufacture Table Cover which was exepted by N/N 3/2003 but cover under ceta 12-13 @ 12% FOR REGISTRATION UNDER EXCISE act? His turnover has crossed 150 lakh.
CA.Ankur Khandelwal
(281 Points)
Replied 24 September 2012
yes Mr. Ashish you have to registered in Excise LAW......... as you are mfg a excisable goods and you trunover cross the min. limit.....