Excess deposit of tds

Aakash Gurbani (Article Assistant) (31 Points)

10 April 2012  


I am a Director of a private limited company. I have a registerd TAN. During the 4th quarter of the F.Y.2010-11, i have deducted TDS on payment of interest of Rs.500000/-. Due to an error, my accountant recorded entry regarding Interest twice in the books of accounts and on due basis i have deposited TDS to the credit of Government on both the recorded entries i.e. double. I have deposited excess TDS of Rs. 30000/-. And also i have properly filed the return and shown the correct amount of TDS deducted from the deductees and deductees have got the actual amount of TDS credit which should be given to them.

So, kindly tell me can i get refund of the excess amount of TDS deposited or get it adjusted and please provide me the procedure.

Thanks and regards
Aakash Gurbani