Exams phobia

*RENU SINGH * (✩ §m!ℓ!ñġ €ม€§ fℓม!ñġ ђ♪gђ✩ )   (21627 Points)

21 October 2012  

Exams phobia :-  

  1. Failures results fears + low confidence :-


First of all to regain all the confidence, you must believe that you have worked hard to hone your skills. No castles can be created in air. You must have to work hard for them. If you have already given 7 attempts and still fearing and asking yourself that you should give exams or not ?

Then first ask to yourself “Have you read everything or at least which covers 40-50 marks in an average manner”

If your answer is yes, then I would say that you must give exams no matter what happens,no matter how much fear you have hold you from inside. Just throw your fear in dustbin and promise yourself that you’ll pass. One moment of determination is more stronger than 100 moments of fears.

Remember it , your focus is to be a CA which can happen only after giving exams. Why to hold your fear which is a hindrance in your success.Remember every little effort remove fears. So go ahead without caring for results.

If you think you will give exams even if you haven’t prepared and  gonna stay idle in exam hall or leave exam hall in half , then there is no meaning to give exams. If you wanna give exams, then make sure you are dedicated enough.


  1. Family support :- I don’t know why students feel that they should not tell their parents about their studies. Don’t know how will they react  !!  Excuse me …. They are your parents right. Anyone can step back but not your parents. Any person can cry in front of their parents no matter how much they grow up. The more you try to hide your preparation strategy, fears, failures and rejection… more you’ll fall into the traps of depression. It’s important to let go emotions to overcome them.  Many people feel that telling their mental status to their parents would only hurt them and finally they face such problems as “ Family says "Leave CA" broken heart

Okay let me help me you a bit !  Just  tell me when you said sorry to your parents ?  ummm ….. remember ….. if your answer  is just some days back… then you can already 75 % close to your parents. So obviously 5 minutes chat with your parents won’t be a big deal for you smiley. But if your answer is “ I don’t really remember” then congrtsss !! You fall in my category. And you can surely tell everything about study  with your parents

Open communication with your parents always open avenues for removing fear. They can console you when you are emotionally weak. They can inspire you to do your best.angelenlightened


  1. Study preparations: -   I don’t know why people don’t focus on important chapters in spite of knowing them. “ Ab apni kabar khud khodege to bhagwan bechara kaise help karega …..”  Even I know scoring chapters are always lengthy  and sometimes sleepy and monotonous.   But who said that studies can’t be interesting . Use colors, markers,pencil, diagrams, filmy dialogue any thing to remember your  sections and understanding your concepts.

Time taken

Marks covered

3 chapters  60 minutes


1 chapter 45 minutes





So in short you can cover more marks in less time if you had allocated your time on important chapter’s strategy. Normally we focus on quantity not on quality.  If we have done 3 chapters, we feel satisfied that we have done 3 chapters. And we leave one important chapter due to boredom and dullness which must be ignored.  But  what about the marks you have covered ….

If you don’t have time then still something can surely be done e.g.

  1. Focus on last year’s exams: - 5-10 marks question will surely come.
  2. RTP: - Believe the luck, may be those 20 pages can bring you 20 marks.
  3. Practice manual: - A must key to refer in exams.
  4. Compilers: - refer those questions which have come in at least 2-3 exams.
  5. Practical’s:- If you can’t understand the concept conceptually, at least try to understand the formats.



Kingdom doesn’t create in a day… but castles don’t even destroy in a day enlightened.  If we tend to ignore our mistakes, then we can never overcome them. It’s completely our choice whether to lose the game or give our best shot no matter what happens. yes


