31. Should the training be completed before appearing in Final Examination?
The training completion requirement has been divided into two parts:
(i) Articleship completion requirement to be eligible to appear in the Professional Competence
Examination (PCE): A student should complete not less than 15 months as an articled assistant, 3
months prior to the first day of the month in which Professional Competence Examination (PCE) is
held or 18 months of articled training as on 1st May/ 1st November, as the case may be.
(ii) Articleship completion requirement to be eligible to appear in the Final (New) Examination: A student
should complete 3 ½ years of practical training prior to the first day of the month in which Final
Examination is held.
then what abt this? and I havent heard or read abt extending of articleship period on non completion in 3 attempts.... plz Girish sir provide me of source, coz m really worried...
BTW my source : www.icai.org/resource_file/11261FAQ-PCC.pdf
its the 31st question....