ethics and ca

vishal (student) (38 Points)

14 July 2008  

I am searching for a CA firm for artcleship. But, many of my friends and relatives are advising me not to persue Chartered Accountancy as they say that it is a ganda kaam( it involves doing dirty work). How far is it true? I have heard that the job involves manupulating accounts to serve the client, giving certificates that you know are false, etc.Which is the statement that you think best describes the situation.

1) The job of a chartered accountant is dirty. My friends and relativesare right.

2) It is area specific i.e some areas such astax/audit/valuation/internal audit involve doing more/less dirty work as compared to others.

3) It is firm specific i.e some firms do more dirty work and some firms are clean.

4) It is client specific i.e some audits may be clean while some companies being dirty, dirty work has to be done by firms also.

5) Ethics is a subjective term. A person may consider giving advice to evade taxes to clients as unethical while another person may not consider it ethical.

6) Manipulations/doing dirty work is everywhere, whatever profession you choose. It is not limited to CA.

Of course, there are no clear answers to these questions. So, what do you feel should I do - join artcleship or persue some other course in future such as MBA, assuming dummy articleship is not an option. If you feelthat this question is inapproprate for a forum like this, I am sorry.

Awaiting replies!