ethical standards for auditors

tanuja........... (pcc student) (571 Points)

16 April 2009  

Ethical standards in brief over-familiarity with clients

2.limitations on loans of staff to clients client to constitute more than 10% of practice income

4.declarations of financial interests and family members' relationships with clients

5.audit partner rotation normally after 10 years, or five years for a listed company

6.sufficient staff on audit to comply with auditing and ethical standards, irrespective of fees

7.a partner responsible for firm's ethics * contingent fee arrangements not acceptable

8.fees for one year to be paid before next year's work begins from client banned unless insignificant

10.hospitality from client banned unless reasonable

11.non-audit services banned if incompatible with role of auditor

12.where auditor also conducts internal audit, no overlap of personnel and banned in some circumstances

13.auditor not to supply IT systems which include accounting function

14.ban on auditors providing valuation, actuarial valuation, litigation support and legal services in most circumstances of tax advice and corporate finance services assessed on a case-by-case basis

16.restrictions on auditors conducting recruitment services, accounting services and due diligence.