Dear Apporva,
As per ESIC Act - 1948
There are two contribution periods of six months duration each in a year, in respect of an insured employee, with corresponding benefit period of six months each as under:- |
Contribution period |
Corresponding benefit period
1st April to 30 September |
1st January to 30th June of the year following |
1st October to 31st March of the year following |
1st July to 31st December of the calendar year |
In case a person becomes an employee within the meaning of the Act for the first time, the first contribution period will commence from the date he enters into insurable employment for the first time in the contribution period current on that day and his corresponding benefit period will commence on the expiry of nine months from the date of such employment. |
Coming down to your doubt, whoever covered under ESIC Act, if his date of joining falls after 1st April or 1st October, the contribution to be continued upto the end of that particular contribution period, irrespective of salary above Rs. 15000/-
Kiran A. T.