I have a solution to your problem:
If you are seeing the following error while uploading this return on income tax website even when you are not filling return under presumptive scheme u/s 44AD
": ERROR : Income details for the selected business code u/s 44AD should be entered . SOLUTION :Kindly declare income u/s 44AD when nature of business u/s 44AD is selected ."
Then , follow these steps :-
1) ITR-3 > SCHEDULES > Part A - Profit and Loss
2) Scroll down and go to Presumptive Income tab
3) Click on "Edit"
4) Tick the check box and then click on the delete button
5) Click on the "save" Button.
6) Hurray !!! Your error is resolved.
7) REASON OF THE ERROR :- this error usually occurs when the assesee has filled his last return u/s 44AD and we have prefilled our ITR this time so the details of last ITR gets autofilled ....and this error shows up when we are not filling ITR u/s 44AD this time.
I hope your problem is solved, if YES then please like.