Suresh,I know ,I sounded like a complete idiot in the interview. But like Einstein said Insanity is "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” So at least for the next interview let me be fully prepared.
(29 Points)
Replied 19 March 2012
Suresh,I know ,I sounded like a complete idiot in the interview. But like Einstein said Insanity is "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” So at least for the next interview let me be fully prepared.
(23 Points)
Replied 19 March 2012
Hi all, am arts final year student from Mount Carmel College Bangalore, was just searching for a quote on Insanity on google and have landed up here. I just had a quick read of what Arun, Suresh had mentioned about investment banking and equity research jobs. I must admit being from arts background “numbers are not my best friends” so Equity research is not for me .I just thought of picking your brains on this quote -- Insanity is "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” many have miss-interpreted this quote and understood it wrongly .They never try once again after they fail .I just want to rephrase it a bit and say “experimenting or working on the same thing with persistence till you get desired results is wise and not insane”. So Arun,karan don’t give-up wish you all good luck.
(27 Points)
Replied 19 March 2012
Hey Karan, am curious to know the two senior investment bankers whom you met through your contacts ,where are they working?
(24 Points)
Replied 19 March 2012
Thanks Vani, agreed we should keep trying. Krishnan, the two guys are working with Barclays Capital and Vani, much to your surprise, incidentally one of the guys is from arts background. Vani Just like you I had the same concern that myself being from a technical background, can I make it in the investment banking field. The senior investment banker mentioned to me that Investment banks prefer to hire from a diverse background, as they have seen that for example people from arts background have good writing and presentation skills which as a team member they can make a very valuable contribution and I see you have good oratory skills and you should also give a serious thought about investment banking.
(23 Points)
Replied 19 March 2012
Hey Grey hair thanks but still finding it hard to believe whether people from arts background can get a chance to work in investment banks.? As an arts student, the first time I heard something about investment banking was when I watched the movie “wall street” the way the life of an investment banker is portrayed in that movie,glamour,money,power guess anybody watching that movie would dream to become an investment banker.
(29 Points)
Replied 19 March 2012
Hey Vani, Suresh,Veena,Karan think we are already 5 people curious to know about how to enter investment banking field.Karan you mentioned about Global banking training institute ,can you give a call and find a little more details about the certified investment Banker program they conduct.
(23 Points)
Replied 19 March 2012
Guys wait,let me give them a call and also check along with the program details about if they offer any group discounts if we all enroll
(24 Points)
Replied 19 March 2012
See Vani ,you are not bad with numbers!!!!!! Yeah fine Vani take the lead and give them a call and let us know. Till I hear from you, let me plan to watch the movie you mentioned “wallstreet”
(43 Points)
Replied 27 April 2012
5 tips
Attach to a sector like mining, telecom, utilities, FMCG etc.......
Learn abt the players and their competetive edge and also their financials and their growth their annual reports for 5-10 years
Learn how to interpret macro economic data like inflation, interest rates, forex reserves, etc
Learn a valuation model there are lot available online. Also, try to interpret factors and models variables.
Do good research and start forming opinions on stocks.
Age is not at all a constraint if you have interest and motivation and also have confidence
Get an interview and simple to get a job.
They may give another sector than what you thought
Also, try to remember numbers and it would be fun to remember sales figures, margins,etc
(21 Points)
Replied 17 August 2012
This topic help me a lot in developing my project. I will contribute more when I finished it.
(36 Points)
Replied 15 August 2016
These interview questions are for investment banking but I think you will still find them very helpful for equity research... the questions should be simiar
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