EPF Withdrawal | Tax Calculation

Vivek (XYZ) (26 Points)

22 February 2022  

Hi all,

Can you please help me with the below query ?


  • Sep-2006 to May-2012 (Tenure-1) :  Worked for company ABC in India - Contribution to EPF account (Say Amount1 to UAN1 ) - { Service period >  5years , Amount1 > 50K }
  • June-2012 to May-2014:  Moved abroad for another assignment - Didnt withdraw any EPF amount (Account remained ASIS)
  • June-2014 to  Dec.2017 (Tenure-2) -  Resumed working for same company ABC in India -  Contribution to NEW EPF account (Say Amount2 to UAN2 ) - { Service period <  5years , Amount2 > 50K }
  • Jan-2018 to Jan-2022 -  Moved abroad for another assignment.

I had recently transferred the amount lying in UAN1 (Amount1) to UAN2 (Amount2), so all the contributions + interest is now in UAN2. I want to withdraw the full money (PF + Pension) via the Online Claim process .

 Queries :

  1.  Is TDS  applicable only on Amount2 that was collected in UAN2  or the entire amount ( Amount1 + Amount 2) ?  -    Please note that  service was > 5 years for the first tenure.  
  2. Is it advisable to fill form 15G , if Amount2 itself  even after deductions (80C etc.) will generate a tax liability ?  - Trying to clarify as 15G should only be filled if estimated tax liability is to be NIL.