Whether EPF Amount is taxable or not in two events -
1. Immediate withdrwal from EPF account on retirement
2. Holding the same amount in EPF account for three years and then withdrawing the same with interest thereon.
Thanks in advance!!
Meenakshi (Student) (68 Points)
04 October 2016Whether EPF Amount is taxable or not in two events -
1. Immediate withdrwal from EPF account on retirement
2. Holding the same amount in EPF account for three years and then withdrawing the same with interest thereon.
Thanks in advance!!
U S Sharma
(21063 Points)
Replied 06 October 2016
EPF taxability is not related with withdrawal date, but it would be tax free if the member has contributed for 5 years + (in one or more establishments does not matter)
below 50000/- ( including principal and intrest) no TDS is deducted
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